
Showing posts from March, 2021

Dunedin street art, lockdown (again) & tsunamis

 So it's been very busy at work since I last wrote. I'm now teaching on 5 courses although they tend to alternate weeks. However, they aren't all in Auckland! I therefore had the delights of teaching in the Bay of Plenty to a really nice group of nurses from a wide variety of backgrounds. One of the confusing things here is that hospitals and cities are often called by their region. Hence, Bay of Plenty is actually Tauranga (pronounce toe-rang-ahh according to the poster in the airport there, rather than towel-wranger!) After a couple of nights there, I was back in Auckland to teach the same course to a different group of nurses with a different colleague. It does get a bit confusing! However, that was not all the travel on a plane that week as I set off on Friday afternoon with Jonathan for a weekend in Dunedin. One of the joys of working freelance for Philips is that I get to plan my travel so knowing I had a long day of teaching on the Monday, getting there on the Friday...