Changing seasons

It's been a while since I wrote mostly because I've been busier at work having increased my hours. We've also had a lot on so I thought it was time for an update. After the last blog where lockdowns and tsunamis were a bit of a feature, life has been more straightforward in a lot of ways. I'm settling into my job at the university and just feel like I'm getting to know the students although many are now about to finish their courses with me. I teach the same subject (clinical assessment) but at two different levels, to 5 classes (hence my brain gets a bit confused at times!) Some of my students are newly qualified nurses who are called NETPs here (Net - P for short). Others are more experienced nurses from a very wide background and location. I have one student who flies up from Christchurch! I'm now very much in "marking and exams" season, so I'm spending more time at home marking than previously. It's a nice place to work though. My walk to ...