North island adventure

Introduction I've finally managed to tie in some annual leave with some work travel and have some adventures in the North Island. I'm dividing this blog by different areas I visited and there should be more photos than usual this time. Enjoy! Taranaki This is a region in the south west of the North island, above Wellington but off the beaten track a bit. The main city is New Plymouth which is quite a cool place even though everyone we asked about said it was beautiful but hadn't been there! I drove down to teach some postgraduate nurses on one of the courses we run. My colleague, Reuben, was meant to be running it but had become a dad for the first time 2 days earlier so I'd offered to cover. After the course, I drove over to Palmerston North which is towards the east coast to deliver some covid-related training to the hospital there. I'd gotten to know the staff there via zoom over previous training sessions on non-invasive ventilation so it was lovely to actually ...