Living in Limbo: Part 3
I know -it's ages since I last updated this blog (March to be exact.) The reason for the delay is partly in the title - limbo. As I write this mid-November 2022, we are unsure of our plans after February 2023 as Jonathan's current job finishes then. It's been an uncomfortable year in many ways but mostly as his position hasn't worked out. It's difficult to continue going to work when you know they don't want you to stay long-term because "they didn't train you". Despite this, he has jumped through all the hoops and is now officially on the vocational register (i.e. they recognise him as a consultant within the country), a member of the specialist college of intensive care (no mean feat - most doctors have to restart their training here) and he's even become a paediatric advanced life support instructor. Did I mention that he also completed an echocardiography postgraduate qualification too (never being one to be an under-achiever!) So, now he...