Mountain-leader in Auckland

 Today is my 5th full day of freedom! We had our day 12 COVID tests on day 11 and after 3 attempts, I now have 3 "not detected" results to my name! I think I got a better deal than most A level students with tests, even if they did keep spelling my name wrong.

After a total of 336 hours post landing on NZ soil, we were released at 10pm into Auckland City. This involved more temperature checks, form filling and a farewell committee of 2 from the Ministry of Health and Air Force. After a little confusion, we located our driver who looked astonished that we had 4 holdalls with us (after all, we have our entire belongings for the next 3 months in them!) Somehow, the luggage and bodies all fitted into the sedan and we were driven to our new abode - the Waldorf St Martins Apartment hotel. It's not quite as glam as it sounds, but a basic apartment was fine. We dumped our bags and then headed out into the night but not before the reception crew told us that we were accidentally in the wrong apartment so we were moved the next day. (It turns out being a doctor literally moves you up in the world - by 6 floors and to a nicer apartment!) So, within an hour, we were exploring the city, just for some proper fresh air. We found a band stand, a park and a cute weird creature that seemed to be a cross between a wallaby and a squirrel!

The weekend was spent hoofing it around some of the suburbs that might hopefully soon be home. Having not lived here for 15 years, we didn't really know where to look so we relied on maps, guidance from the internet and local knowledge from our friends here. As you may know, I haven't been able to walk long distances since my foot op in January (yep - pre Covid) but I've been making up for it since our release. We haven't got a car yet (ours is waiting to be shipped) and local transport is limited, plus we wanted to explore.  

Auckland is in level 3 lockdown which means everything is shut except for essential shopping. However, you can click and collect lots of bits which is helpful. We wear masks and 'check in' with the Covid App at every building where we might encounter people and everyone seems to play the game. Walking around is free and blissful after 2 weeks cooped up in an hotel room.

So what is Auckland like? So far we can only give you the lockdown version! The city is quite built up but the suburbs start close to the centre and are green and leafy with lots of 'reserves' which I love. It's very hilly and a lot of the reserves are either on steep ground and / or were extinct volcanoes. You're never very far from the coast. It's winter here but very few houses have central heating. However, I've worn a fleece and a waterproof and that's all you need. But you really need the waterproof. I'm now very used to being suddenly drenched and then the sun comes out. I'm so glad I didn't forget to pack that!

Jonathan started work on Monday so for the past 3 days I've been solo house hunting. I won't bore you with the details but I'm managing to clock up 15,000 - 25,000 steps a day! Hopefully I'll have some positive news re: our new abode soon.

Wifi in the hotel is terrible but we now have a gadget which is making this much better. I've also now got a working phone with an NZ number! And the online ordered socks arrived so I'm no longer borrowing Jonathan's!

Please feel free to comment or ask questions so that I can work out what to include here!


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