Spring - a time of new beginnings

 I've just realised that I haven't blogged for a while so apologies for any of you awaiting on tenderhooks for updates! 

So, firstly, we are settling into our new home and have worked out how to heat it a bit more effectively and efficiently. Having said that, we are now properly into spring here so in the daytime, and often evening, there is no need for any heating and I need to remember sunscreen better! We still feel like we are rattling around a huge house, because we are, but hopefully we'll feel a bit more settled once our belongings join us. We have entertained our first guest (thanks for being the brave first Vicky!) and hope to have many more friends around to enjoy our cooking.

Apparently the container is somewhere off the coast of China so we have at least another couple of weeks to wait with the car following later. However, I've invested in some furniture and have delved the depths of TradeMe - the NZ equivalent of eBay. Jonathan asked me to do some searching for some cycling stuff and I ended up with a sewing cabinet! I've always coveted a Horn sewing machine cupboard and a huge one came up. I need to change a couple of hinges but its perfect otherwise. Jonathan misheard me during my frenzied bidding and thought I was getting a porn cabinet... unfortunately the name has stuck. As I don't yet have my sewing machines, it's doubling up well as a desk for me at the moment. It folds away into a cupboard but here are a couple of photos with just some of the extensions out!

I've been making progress with the growing side of things too. We seem to spend a lot at the supermarket judging by how many seedlings I've got on the go (yes those little freebie pots do actually grow!) I've planted up some today and sewn some more seedlings. Along with the beautiful tree blossom here, it definitely feels like spring.

I started work last week too! I'm now officially a New Zealand contractor for a medical company that makes hospital monitors. Don't panic, I'm not making them: I'm teaching staff how to use them! They only have one nurse doing this in New Zealand and normally fly in extra help from Australia, but with the Covid-19 situation, this isn't possible. Thus, myself and Hanna have joined the ranks to help out, particularly over the next few weeks as Christchurch gets ready to open it's new hospital. I'm very much learning the ropes at the moment, but as I've used these particular monitors for many years, its been really interesting. They can do so much more than I ever knew! Most of my training is on line with Zoom and learning packages but I go into the office occasionally too. On Wednesday we flew down to Christchurch to start the practical learning in situ which was great. We were only there for a couple of nights but it was really useful. Plus, Christchurch is a gorgeous city and the new hospital is amazing. It's right in the middle of "town" but next to a park and the river as this photo shows:

We have been exploring the local area a bit more back in Auckland and made it out to Half Moon bay yesterday, by train and foot, returning by ferry. Just to give you a taste of the scenery (and to prove that Jonathan is still alive), here are some photos taken yesterday daytime & evening:

The contracting job may be a temporary one as I'm waiting to for some progress on the teaching job so I may know more next time. 

We read the news from back home and think of you so please keep in touch and stay safe. 💖


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