Making progress, one hill at a time.

I know I meant to get around to writing the next blog about Christchurch but I've been so busy that I thought I should do an update on our current status having left the last blog in "limbo"! In many ways, our limbo-status continues as we are waiting to move into a new home. We've started looking at properties but as we can't move until the end of January this is a little tricky. In New Zealand, you normally move into a new home about 1-2 weeks after you've viewed it. As nothing happens over Christmas and January though, this isn't really easy. However, there seems to be more on the market now and we've put in a couple of applications so we'll see what happens. We have made some progress though. New Job! I started my new position as Professional Teaching Fellow at the University of Auckland last week. I have some time to get used to the courses before I actually teach as the university term starts at the beginning of February. I seem to have a n...