Making progress, one hill at a time.

I know I meant to get around to writing the next blog about Christchurch but I've been so busy that I thought I should do an update on our current status having left the last blog in "limbo"! In many ways, our limbo-status continues as we are waiting to move into a new home. We've started looking at properties but as we can't move until the end of January this is a little tricky. In New Zealand, you normally move into a new home about 1-2 weeks after you've viewed it. As nothing happens over Christmas and January though, this isn't really easy. However, there seems to be more on the market now and we've put in a couple of applications so we'll see what happens. We have made some progress though. 

New Job! I started my new position as Professional Teaching Fellow at the University of Auckland last week. I have some time to get used to the courses before I actually teach as the university term starts at the beginning of February. I seem to have a nice team to work with and they have been incredibly friendly and welcoming. We had our Christmas party on Friday - something that may feel like an alien concept to many now but it reminds me how lucky we are to be here. To give you an idea of the party I will just show you the view. (the Abba tribute act and subsequent dancing I will leave to your imagination!) It was a lunchtime party but when the university owns a vineyard on Waiheke island, it helps the atmosphere! 

View from our Christmas lunch (kayak club in the distance!)

Container delivery
It's finally here! 4 months to the day from when we arrived in New Zealand, our belongings have finally caught up with us. It has filled most of the garage and I've opened every box but we're keeping most things in boxes until we move. It's so nice to have more of our own clothes and my work books though. Here is how my kayak got here in 3 pieces (for those unfamiliar with my kayak, it's meant to be in 3 pieces!)
Floyd's arrival

Transport update
So we still haven't got our car which is due to be released any minute (which is what they've been saying for the last few months!) Delays at Auckland port have meant that all freight is being held up but our estimated 6-12 weeks delivery quote has been completely blown. At least I have found the roof rack for when we do finally get reunited.

In the meantime, we have both bought electric bicycles. Auckland is incredibly hilly as it is made up of 53 extinct (hopefully!) volcanoes. Thus trying to walk up them is difficult enough but cycling is almost impossible (and yes I have done the Ride London 100, Leith Hill, Box Hill etc, but these short sharp inclines are very unforgiving!) If you haven't ridden an electric bike I highly recommend it. It's very bizarre when you start out as you can look effortless going up a hill. However, most of the hills here still require some oomph and correct gear selection as well as the "turbo" setting. My bike feels almost like a normal hybrid without the motor being engaged so I still feel like I'm getting a workout. Up many of the hills, with the turbo mode on and in the lowest gear I'm still definitely getting a work out! Shout out to Sam and Ruth for recommending Specialized - I'm happy with my choice so far. I'm still getting used to it but will start commuting in to work this week.

Having been without a car since we arrived, we have been on foot and public transport far more than the average Aucklander. Most people are horrified at the idea of walking to work and prefer to sit in traffic. There is disbelief that Jonathan walks to and back from work about 50 minutes each way every day although he is going to start commuting on his bike for his on-calls from this week. I have been using buses here which are a bit hit and miss. Our current local bus takes me to the museum at the top of the domain and I walk the last 10 minutes through the park. It only runs twice an hour though and it sometimes leaves 10 minutes before it's scheduled which has caught me out a couple of times.

Most of the buses, trains and ferries are free from tomorrow until Saturday in the Auckland festive spirit. With the sunshine and warmth here, it feels odd to be thinking Christmas will be in a couple of weeks even though I've had several antipodean Christmas' before.

Apologies for the lack of photos this week. I'll try to do a much more photogenic Christchurch special next time!

Please keep in touch - this blog is meant as a general update but I love to hear news from everyone! 

I should be back on this blog before Christmas but in the meantime, keep safe, keep well and let's hope those vaccines enable us to get back to enjoying life a little more in the near future.



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